Conference or lunch and
learn presentations

If you are looking for a speaker for your conference or Lunch and Learn session, we can provide one-hour presentations on a single topic of interest.
Possible topics include:
  • Why can’t people just get along: learn where conflict comes from, why we react the way do, and what we can do differently
  • Conflict Styles: Understanding your approach to conflict
  • Taking the drama out of conflict
  • How our personal lenses influence our perceptions and contribute to conflict
  • Paradigm shifts in conflict resolution
  • When Anger Strikes
  • Skills for de-escalating tense situations
  • Self-care when dealing with high-conflict situations
  • Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda; Speaking up 101
  • The what and how of conflict resolution: How to figure out what people really need, not what they say they want
  • Panel: Ask a mediator
Connect with a member of our team to learn more about how we can support your conference or event.